A select element to choose from a list of options.


Use the v-model directive to control the value of the Select or the default-value prop to set the initial value when you do not need to control its state.


Use the items prop as an array of strings, numbers or booleans:

<script setup lang="ts">
const items = ref(['Backlog', 'Todo', 'In Progress', 'Done'])
const value = ref('Backlog')

  <USelect v-model="value" :items="items" class="w-48" />

You can also pass an array of objects with the following properties:

<script setup lang="ts">
const items = ref([
    label: 'Backlog',
    value: 'backlog'
    label: 'Todo',
    value: 'todo'
    label: 'In Progress',
    value: 'in_progress'
    label: 'Done',
    value: 'done'
const value = ref('backlog')

  <USelect v-model="value" :items="items" class="w-48" />
When using objects, you need to reference the value property of the object in the v-model directive or the default-value prop.

You can also pass an array of arrays to the items prop to display separated groups of items.

<script setup lang="ts">
const items = ref([
  ['Apple', 'Banana', 'Blueberry', 'Grapes', 'Pineapple'],
  ['Aubergine', 'Broccoli', 'Carrot', 'Courgette', 'Leek']
const value = ref('Apple')

  <USelect v-model="value" :items="items" class="w-48" />

Value Key

You can change the property that is used to set the value by using the value-key prop. Defaults to value.

<script setup lang="ts">
const items = ref([
    label: 'Backlog',
    id: 'backlog'
    label: 'Todo',
    id: 'todo'
    label: 'In Progress',
    id: 'in_progress'
    label: 'Done',
    id: 'done'
const value = ref('backlog')

  <USelect v-model="value" value-key="id" :items="items" class="w-48" />


Use the multiple prop to allow multiple selections, the selected items will be separated by a comma in the trigger.

<script setup lang="ts">
const items = ref(['Backlog', 'Todo', 'In Progress', 'Done'])
const value = ref(['Backlog', 'Todo'])

  <USelect v-model="value" multiple :items="items" class="w-48" />
Ensure to pass an array to the default-value prop or the v-model directive.


Use the placeholder prop to set a placeholder text.

<script setup lang="ts">
const items = ref(['Backlog', 'Todo', 'In Progress', 'Done'])

  <USelect placeholder="Select status" :items="items" class="w-48" />


Use the content prop to control how the Select content is rendered, like its align or side for example.

<script setup lang="ts">
const items = ref(['Backlog', 'Todo', 'In Progress', 'Done'])
const value = ref('Backlog')

      align: 'center',
      side: 'bottom',
      sideOffset: 8


Use the arrow prop to display an arrow on the Select.

<script setup lang="ts">
const items = ref(['Backlog', 'Todo', 'In Progress', 'Done'])
const value = ref('Backlog')

  <USelect v-model="value" arrow :items="items" class="w-48" />


Use the color prop to change the ring color when the Select is focused.

<script setup lang="ts">
const items = ref(['Backlog', 'Todo', 'In Progress', 'Done'])
const value = ref('Backlog')

  <USelect v-model="value" color="neutral" highlight :items="items" class="w-48" />
The highlight prop is used here to show the focus state. It's used internally when a validation error occurs.


Use the variant prop to change the variant of the Select.

<script setup lang="ts">
const items = ref(['Backlog', 'Todo', 'In Progress', 'Done'])
const value = ref('Backlog')

  <USelect v-model="value" color="neutral" variant="subtle" :items="items" class="w-48" />


Use the size prop to change the size of the Select.

<script setup lang="ts">
const items = ref(['Backlog', 'Todo', 'In Progress', 'Done'])
const value = ref('Backlog')

  <USelect v-model="value" size="xl" :items="items" class="w-48" />


Use the icon prop to show an Icon inside the Select.

<script setup lang="ts">
const items = ref(['Backlog', 'Todo', 'In Progress', 'Done'])
const value = ref('Backlog')

  <USelect v-model="value" icon="i-lucide-search" size="md" :items="items" class="w-48" />

Trailing Icon

Use the trailing-icon prop to customize the trailing Icon. Defaults to i-lucide-chevron-down.

<script setup lang="ts">
const items = ref(['Backlog', 'Todo', 'In Progress', 'Done'])
const value = ref('Backlog')

You can customize this icon globally in your app.config.ts under ui.icons.chevronDown key.
You can customize this icon globally in your vite.config.ts under ui.icons.chevronDown key.

Selected Icon

Use the selected-icon prop to customize the icon when an item is selected. Defaults to i-lucide-check.

<script setup lang="ts">
const items = ref(['Backlog', 'Todo', 'In Progress', 'Done'])
const value = ref('Backlog')

  <USelect v-model="value" selected-icon="i-lucide-flame" size="md" :items="items" class="w-48" />
You can customize this icon globally in your app.config.ts under ui.icons.check key.
You can customize this icon globally in your vite.config.ts under ui.icons.check key.


Use the avatar prop to show an Avatar inside the Select.

<script setup lang="ts">
const items = ref(['Nuxt', 'NuxtHub', 'NuxtLabs', 'Nuxt Modules', 'Nuxt Community'])
const value = ref('Nuxt')

      src: 'https://github.com/nuxt.png'


Use the loading prop to show a loading icon on the Select.

<script setup lang="ts">
const items = ref(['Backlog', 'Todo', 'In Progress', 'Done'])
const value = ref('Backlog')

  <USelect v-model="value" loading :items="items" class="w-48" />

Loading Icon

Use the loading-icon prop to customize the loading icon. Defaults to i-lucide-refresh-cw.

<script setup lang="ts">
const items = ref(['Backlog', 'Todo', 'In Progress', 'Done'])
const value = ref('Backlog')

  <USelect v-model="value" loading loading-icon="i-lucide-repeat-2" :items="items" class="w-48" />
You can customize this icon globally in your app.config.ts under ui.icons.loading key.
You can customize this icon globally in your vite.config.ts under ui.icons.loading key.


Use the disabled prop to disable the Select.

<script setup lang="ts">
const items = ref(['Backlog', 'Todo', 'In Progress', 'Done'])

  <USelect disabled placeholder="Select status" :items="items" class="w-48" />


With items type

You can use the type property with separator to display a separator between items or label to display a label.

<script setup lang="ts">
const items = ref([
    type: 'label',
    label: 'Fruits'
    type: 'separator'
    type: 'label',
    label: 'Vegetables'
const value = ref('Apple')

  <USelect v-model="value" :items="items" class="w-48" />

With icons in items

You can use the icon property to display an Icon inside the items.

<script setup lang="ts">
import type { SelectItem } from '@nuxt/ui'

const items = ref([
    label: 'Backlog',
    value: 'backlog',
    icon: 'i-lucide-circle-help'
    label: 'Todo',
    value: 'todo',
    icon: 'i-lucide-circle-plus'
    label: 'In Progress',
    value: 'in_progress',
    icon: 'i-lucide-circle-arrow-up'
    label: 'Done',
    value: 'done',
    icon: 'i-lucide-circle-check'
] satisfies SelectItem[])
const value = ref(items.value[0]?.value)

const icon = computed(() => items.value.find(item => item.value === value.value)?.icon)

  <USelect v-model="value" :items="items" value-key="value" :icon="icon" class="w-48" />
In this example, the icon is computed from the value property of the selected item.
You can also use the #leading slot to display the selected icon.

With avatar in items

You can use the avatar property to display an Avatar inside the items.

<script setup lang="ts">
import type { SelectItem } from '@nuxt/ui'

const items = ref([
    label: 'benjamincanac',
    value: 'benjamincanac',
    avatar: {
      src: 'https://github.com/benjamincanac.png',
      alt: 'benjamincanac'
    label: 'romhml',
    value: 'romhml',
    avatar: {
      src: 'https://github.com/romhml.png',
      alt: 'romhml'
    label: 'noook',
    value: 'noook',
    avatar: {
      src: 'https://github.com/noook.png',
      alt: 'noook'
    label: 'sandros94',
    value: 'sandros94',
    avatar: {
      src: 'https://github.com/sandros94.png',
      alt: 'sandros94'
] satisfies SelectItem[])
const value = ref(items.value[0]?.value)

const avatar = computed(() => items.value.find(item => item.value === value.value)?.avatar)

  <USelect v-model="value" :items="items" value-key="value" :avatar="avatar" class="w-48" />
In this example, the avatar is computed from the value property of the selected item.
You can also use the #leading slot to display the selected avatar.

With chip in items

You can use the chip property to display a Chip inside the items.

<script setup lang="ts">
import type { SelectItem, ChipProps } from '@nuxt/ui'

const items = ref([
    label: 'bug',
    value: 'bug',
    chip: {
      color: 'error'
    label: 'feature',
    value: 'feature',
    chip: {
      color: 'success'
    label: 'enhancement',
    value: 'enhancement',
    chip: {
      color: 'info'
] satisfies SelectItem[])

const value = ref(items.value[0]?.value)

function getChip(value: string) {
  return items.value.find(item => item.value === value)?.chip

  <USelect v-model="value" :items="items" value-key="value" class="w-48">
    <template #leading="{ modelValue, ui }">
        :size="(ui.itemLeadingChipSize() as ChipProps['size'])"
In this example, the #leading slot is used to display the selected chip.

Control open state

You can control the open state by using the default-open prop or the v-model:open directive.

<script setup lang="ts">
const open = ref(false)
const items = ref(['Backlog', 'Todo', 'In Progress', 'Done'])
const value = ref('Backlog')

  o: () => open.value = !open.value

  <USelect v-model="value" v-model:open="open" :items="items" class="w-48" />
In this example, leveraging defineShortcuts, you can toggle the Select by pressing O.

With rotating icon

Here is an example with a rotating icon that indicates the open state of the Select.

<script setup lang="ts">
const items = ref(['Backlog', 'Todo', 'In Progress', 'Done'])
const value = ref('Backlog')

      trailingIcon: 'group-data-[state=open]:rotate-180 transition-transform duration-200'

With fetched items

You can fetch items from an API and use them in the Select.

<script setup lang="ts">
import type { AvatarProps } from '@nuxt/ui'

const { data: users, status } = await useFetch('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users', {
  key: 'typicode-users',
  transform: (data: { id: number, name: string }[]) => {
    return data?.map(user => ({
      label: user.name,
      value: String(user.id),
      avatar: { src: `https://i.pravatar.cc/120?img=${user.id}` }
  lazy: true

function getUserAvatar(value: string) {
  return users.value?.find(user => user.value === value)?.avatar || {}

    :loading="status === 'pending'"
    placeholder="Select user"
    <template #leading="{ modelValue, ui }">
        :size="(ui.leadingAvatarSize() as AvatarProps['size'])"



Prop Default Type




The placeholder text when the select is empty.



"error" | "primary" | "secondary" | "success" | "info" | "warning" | "neutral"



"outline" | "soft" | "subtle" | "ghost" | "none"



"sm" | "md" | "xs" | "lg" | "xl"




The icon displayed to open the menu.




The icon displayed when an item is selected.


{ side: 'bottom', sideOffset: 8, collisionPadding: 8, position: 'popper' }

SelectContentProps & Partial<EmitsToProps<SelectContentImplEmits>>

The content of the menu.



boolean | SelectArrowProps

Display an arrow alongside the menu.




Render the menu in a portal.



"value" | "label" | "icon" | "avatar" | "chip" | "type" | "disabled"

When items is an array of objects, select the field to use as the value.




When items is an array of objects, select the field to use as the label.


SelectItem[] | SelectItem[][]


boolean | AcceptableValue | AvatarProps | ChipProps | (boolean | AcceptableValue | AvatarProps | ChipProps )[] | undefined

The value of the Select when initially rendered. Use when you do not need to control the state of the Select.


boolean | AcceptableValue | AvatarProps | ChipProps | (boolean | AcceptableValue | AvatarProps | ChipProps )[] | undefined

The controlled value of the Select. Can be bind as v-model.



Whether multiple options can be selected or not.



Highlight the ring color like a focus state.



When true, prevents the user from interacting with Select



The controlled open state of the Select. Can be bind as v-model:open.



The open state of the select when it is initially rendered. Use when you do not need to control its open state.



Native html input autocomplete attribute.



The name of the field. Submitted with its owning form as part of a name/value pair.



When true, indicates that the user must set the value before the owning form can be submitted.



Display an icon based on the leading and trailing props.



Display an avatar on the left side.



When true, the icon will be displayed on the left side.



Display an icon on the left side.



When true, the icon will be displayed on the right side.



When true, the loading icon will be displayed.




The icon when the loading prop is true.


PartialString<{ base: string[]; leading: string; leadingIcon: string; leadingAvatar: string; leadingAvatarSize: string; trailing: string; trailingIcon: string; value: string; placeholder: string; arrow: string; ... 14 more ...; itemLabel: string; }>


Slot Type

{ modelValue?: boolean | AcceptableValue | AvatarProps | ChipProps | (boolean | AcceptableValue | AvatarProps | ChipProps | undefined)[] | undefined; open: boolean; ui: { ...; } & ... 1 more ... & {}; }


{ modelValue?: boolean | AcceptableValue | AvatarProps | ChipProps | (boolean | AcceptableValue | AvatarProps | ChipProps | undefined)[] | undefined; open: boolean; }


{ modelValue?: boolean | AcceptableValue | AvatarProps | ChipProps | (boolean | AcceptableValue | AvatarProps | ChipProps | undefined)[] | undefined; open: boolean; ui: { ...; } & ... 1 more ... & {}; }


{ item: SelectItem; index: number; }


{ item: SelectItem; index: number; }


{ item: SelectItem; index: number; }


{ item: SelectItem; index: number; }


Event Type

[payload: FocusEvent]


[payload: Event]


[payload: FocusEvent]


[payload: boolean | AcceptableValue | AvatarProps | ChipProps | (boolean | AcceptableValue | AvatarProps | ChipProps | undefined)[] | undefined]


[value: boolean]


export default defineAppConfig({
  ui: {
    select: {
      slots: {
        base: [
          'relative group rounded-[calc(var(--ui-radius)*1.5)] inline-flex items-center focus:outline-none disabled:cursor-not-allowed disabled:opacity-75',
        leading: 'absolute inset-y-0 start-0 flex items-center',
        leadingIcon: 'shrink-0 text-(--ui-text-dimmed)',
        leadingAvatar: 'shrink-0',
        leadingAvatarSize: '',
        trailing: 'absolute inset-y-0 end-0 flex items-center',
        trailingIcon: 'shrink-0 text-(--ui-text-dimmed)',
        value: 'truncate pointer-events-none',
        placeholder: 'truncate text-(--ui-text-dimmed)',
        arrow: 'fill-(--ui-border)',
        content: 'max-h-60 w-(--reka-popper-anchor-width) bg-(--ui-bg) shadow-lg rounded-[calc(var(--ui-radius)*1.5)] ring ring-(--ui-border) overflow-hidden data-[state=open]:animate-[scale-in_100ms_ease-out] data-[state=closed]:animate-[scale-out_100ms_ease-in] pointer-events-auto',
        viewport: 'divide-y divide-(--ui-border) scroll-py-1',
        group: 'p-1 isolate',
        empty: 'py-2 text-center text-sm text-(--ui-text-muted)',
        label: 'font-semibold text-(--ui-text-highlighted)',
        separator: '-mx-1 my-1 h-px bg-(--ui-border)',
        item: [
          'group relative w-full flex items-center select-none outline-none before:absolute before:z-[-1] before:inset-px before:rounded-[calc(var(--ui-radius)*1.5)] data-disabled:cursor-not-allowed data-disabled:opacity-75 text-(--ui-text) data-highlighted:text-(--ui-text-highlighted) data-highlighted:before:bg-(--ui-bg-elevated)/50',
          'transition-colors before:transition-colors'
        itemLeadingIcon: [
          'shrink-0 text-(--ui-text-dimmed) group-data-highlighted:text-(--ui-text)',
        itemLeadingAvatar: 'shrink-0',
        itemLeadingAvatarSize: '',
        itemLeadingChip: 'shrink-0',
        itemLeadingChipSize: '',
        itemTrailing: 'ms-auto inline-flex gap-1.5 items-center',
        itemTrailingIcon: 'shrink-0',
        itemLabel: 'truncate'
      variants: {
        buttonGroup: {
          horizontal: 'not-only:first:rounded-e-none not-only:last:rounded-s-none not-last:not-first:rounded-none',
          vertical: 'not-only:first:rounded-b-none not-only:last:rounded-t-none not-last:not-first:rounded-none'
        size: {
          xs: {
            base: 'px-2 py-1 text-xs gap-1',
            leading: 'ps-2',
            trailing: 'pe-2',
            leadingIcon: 'size-4',
            leadingAvatarSize: '3xs',
            trailingIcon: 'size-4',
            label: 'p-1 text-[10px]/3 gap-1',
            item: 'p-1 text-xs gap-1',
            itemLeadingIcon: 'size-4',
            itemLeadingAvatarSize: '3xs',
            itemLeadingChip: 'size-4',
            itemLeadingChipSize: 'sm',
            itemTrailingIcon: 'size-4'
          sm: {
            base: 'px-2.5 py-1.5 text-xs gap-1.5',
            leading: 'ps-2.5',
            trailing: 'pe-2.5',
            leadingIcon: 'size-4',
            leadingAvatarSize: '3xs',
            trailingIcon: 'size-4',
            label: 'p-1.5 text-[10px]/3 gap-1.5',
            item: 'p-1.5 text-xs gap-1.5',
            itemLeadingIcon: 'size-4',
            itemLeadingAvatarSize: '3xs',
            itemLeadingChip: 'size-4',
            itemLeadingChipSize: 'sm',
            itemTrailingIcon: 'size-4'
          md: {
            base: 'px-2.5 py-1.5 text-sm gap-1.5',
            leading: 'ps-2.5',
            trailing: 'pe-2.5',
            leadingIcon: 'size-5',
            leadingAvatarSize: '2xs',
            trailingIcon: 'size-5',
            label: 'p-1.5 text-xs gap-1.5',
            item: 'p-1.5 text-sm gap-1.5',
            itemLeadingIcon: 'size-5',
            itemLeadingAvatarSize: '2xs',
            itemLeadingChip: 'size-5',
            itemLeadingChipSize: 'md',
            itemTrailingIcon: 'size-5'
          lg: {
            base: 'px-3 py-2 text-sm gap-2',
            leading: 'ps-3',
            trailing: 'pe-3',
            leadingIcon: 'size-5',
            leadingAvatarSize: '2xs',
            trailingIcon: 'size-5',
            label: 'p-2 text-xs gap-2',
            item: 'p-2 text-sm gap-2',
            itemLeadingIcon: 'size-5',
            itemLeadingAvatarSize: '2xs',
            itemLeadingChip: 'size-5',
            itemLeadingChipSize: 'md',
            itemTrailingIcon: 'size-5'
          xl: {
            base: 'px-3 py-2 text-base gap-2',
            leading: 'ps-3',
            trailing: 'pe-3',
            leadingIcon: 'size-6',
            leadingAvatarSize: 'xs',
            trailingIcon: 'size-6',
            label: 'p-2 text-sm gap-2',
            item: 'p-2 text-base gap-2',
            itemLeadingIcon: 'size-6',
            itemLeadingAvatarSize: 'xs',
            itemLeadingChip: 'size-6',
            itemLeadingChipSize: 'lg',
            itemTrailingIcon: 'size-6'
        variant: {
          outline: 'text-(--ui-text-highlighted) bg-(--ui-bg) ring ring-inset ring-(--ui-border-accented)',
          soft: 'text-(--ui-text-highlighted) bg-(--ui-bg-elevated)/50 hover:bg-(--ui-bg-elevated) focus:bg-(--ui-bg-elevated) disabled:bg-(--ui-bg-elevated)/50',
          subtle: 'text-(--ui-text-highlighted) bg-(--ui-bg-elevated) ring ring-inset ring-(--ui-border-accented)',
          ghost: 'text-(--ui-text-highlighted) bg-transparent hover:bg-(--ui-bg-elevated) focus:bg-(--ui-bg-elevated) disabled:bg-transparent dark:disabled:bg-transparent',
          none: 'text-(--ui-text-highlighted) bg-transparent'
        color: {
          primary: '',
          secondary: '',
          success: '',
          info: '',
          warning: '',
          error: '',
          neutral: ''
        leading: {
          true: ''
        trailing: {
          true: ''
        loading: {
          true: ''
        highlight: {
          true: ''
        type: {
          file: 'file:me-1.5 file:font-medium file:text-(--ui-text-muted) file:outline-none'
      compoundVariants: [
          color: 'primary',
          variant: [
          class: 'focus-visible:ring-2 focus-visible:ring-inset focus-visible:ring-(--ui-primary)'
          color: 'primary',
          highlight: true,
          class: 'ring ring-inset ring-(--ui-primary)'
          color: 'neutral',
          variant: [
          class: 'focus-visible:ring-2 focus-visible:ring-inset focus-visible:ring-(--ui-border-inverted)'
          color: 'neutral',
          highlight: true,
          class: 'ring ring-inset ring-(--ui-border-inverted)'
          leading: true,
          size: 'xs',
          class: 'ps-7'
          leading: true,
          size: 'sm',
          class: 'ps-8'
          leading: true,
          size: 'md',
          class: 'ps-9'
          leading: true,
          size: 'lg',
          class: 'ps-10'
          leading: true,
          size: 'xl',
          class: 'ps-11'
          trailing: true,
          size: 'xs',
          class: 'pe-7'
          trailing: true,
          size: 'sm',
          class: 'pe-8'
          trailing: true,
          size: 'md',
          class: 'pe-9'
          trailing: true,
          size: 'lg',
          class: 'pe-10'
          trailing: true,
          size: 'xl',
          class: 'pe-11'
          loading: true,
          leading: true,
          class: {
            leadingIcon: 'animate-spin'
          loading: true,
          leading: false,
          trailing: true,
          class: {
            trailingIcon: 'animate-spin'
      defaultVariants: {
        size: 'md',
        color: 'primary',
        variant: 'outline'
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
import ui from '@nuxt/ui/vite'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      ui: {
        select: {
          slots: {
            base: [
              'relative group rounded-[calc(var(--ui-radius)*1.5)] inline-flex items-center focus:outline-none disabled:cursor-not-allowed disabled:opacity-75',
            leading: 'absolute inset-y-0 start-0 flex items-center',
            leadingIcon: 'shrink-0 text-(--ui-text-dimmed)',
            leadingAvatar: 'shrink-0',
            leadingAvatarSize: '',
            trailing: 'absolute inset-y-0 end-0 flex items-center',
            trailingIcon: 'shrink-0 text-(--ui-text-dimmed)',
            value: 'truncate pointer-events-none',
            placeholder: 'truncate text-(--ui-text-dimmed)',
            arrow: 'fill-(--ui-border)',
            content: 'max-h-60 w-(--reka-popper-anchor-width) bg-(--ui-bg) shadow-lg rounded-[calc(var(--ui-radius)*1.5)] ring ring-(--ui-border) overflow-hidden data-[state=open]:animate-[scale-in_100ms_ease-out] data-[state=closed]:animate-[scale-out_100ms_ease-in] pointer-events-auto',
            viewport: 'divide-y divide-(--ui-border) scroll-py-1',
            group: 'p-1 isolate',
            empty: 'py-2 text-center text-sm text-(--ui-text-muted)',
            label: 'font-semibold text-(--ui-text-highlighted)',
            separator: '-mx-1 my-1 h-px bg-(--ui-border)',
            item: [
              'group relative w-full flex items-center select-none outline-none before:absolute before:z-[-1] before:inset-px before:rounded-[calc(var(--ui-radius)*1.5)] data-disabled:cursor-not-allowed data-disabled:opacity-75 text-(--ui-text) data-highlighted:text-(--ui-text-highlighted) data-highlighted:before:bg-(--ui-bg-elevated)/50',
              'transition-colors before:transition-colors'
            itemLeadingIcon: [
              'shrink-0 text-(--ui-text-dimmed) group-data-highlighted:text-(--ui-text)',
            itemLeadingAvatar: 'shrink-0',
            itemLeadingAvatarSize: '',
            itemLeadingChip: 'shrink-0',
            itemLeadingChipSize: '',
            itemTrailing: 'ms-auto inline-flex gap-1.5 items-center',
            itemTrailingIcon: 'shrink-0',
            itemLabel: 'truncate'
          variants: {
            buttonGroup: {
              horizontal: 'not-only:first:rounded-e-none not-only:last:rounded-s-none not-last:not-first:rounded-none',
              vertical: 'not-only:first:rounded-b-none not-only:last:rounded-t-none not-last:not-first:rounded-none'
            size: {
              xs: {
                base: 'px-2 py-1 text-xs gap-1',
                leading: 'ps-2',
                trailing: 'pe-2',
                leadingIcon: 'size-4',
                leadingAvatarSize: '3xs',
                trailingIcon: 'size-4',
                label: 'p-1 text-[10px]/3 gap-1',
                item: 'p-1 text-xs gap-1',
                itemLeadingIcon: 'size-4',
                itemLeadingAvatarSize: '3xs',
                itemLeadingChip: 'size-4',
                itemLeadingChipSize: 'sm',
                itemTrailingIcon: 'size-4'
              sm: {
                base: 'px-2.5 py-1.5 text-xs gap-1.5',
                leading: 'ps-2.5',
                trailing: 'pe-2.5',
                leadingIcon: 'size-4',
                leadingAvatarSize: '3xs',
                trailingIcon: 'size-4',
                label: 'p-1.5 text-[10px]/3 gap-1.5',
                item: 'p-1.5 text-xs gap-1.5',
                itemLeadingIcon: 'size-4',
                itemLeadingAvatarSize: '3xs',
                itemLeadingChip: 'size-4',
                itemLeadingChipSize: 'sm',
                itemTrailingIcon: 'size-4'
              md: {
                base: 'px-2.5 py-1.5 text-sm gap-1.5',
                leading: 'ps-2.5',
                trailing: 'pe-2.5',
                leadingIcon: 'size-5',
                leadingAvatarSize: '2xs',
                trailingIcon: 'size-5',
                label: 'p-1.5 text-xs gap-1.5',
                item: 'p-1.5 text-sm gap-1.5',
                itemLeadingIcon: 'size-5',
                itemLeadingAvatarSize: '2xs',
                itemLeadingChip: 'size-5',
                itemLeadingChipSize: 'md',
                itemTrailingIcon: 'size-5'
              lg: {
                base: 'px-3 py-2 text-sm gap-2',
                leading: 'ps-3',
                trailing: 'pe-3',
                leadingIcon: 'size-5',
                leadingAvatarSize: '2xs',
                trailingIcon: 'size-5',
                label: 'p-2 text-xs gap-2',
                item: 'p-2 text-sm gap-2',
                itemLeadingIcon: 'size-5',
                itemLeadingAvatarSize: '2xs',
                itemLeadingChip: 'size-5',
                itemLeadingChipSize: 'md',
                itemTrailingIcon: 'size-5'
              xl: {
                base: 'px-3 py-2 text-base gap-2',
                leading: 'ps-3',
                trailing: 'pe-3',
                leadingIcon: 'size-6',
                leadingAvatarSize: 'xs',
                trailingIcon: 'size-6',
                label: 'p-2 text-sm gap-2',
                item: 'p-2 text-base gap-2',
                itemLeadingIcon: 'size-6',
                itemLeadingAvatarSize: 'xs',
                itemLeadingChip: 'size-6',
                itemLeadingChipSize: 'lg',
                itemTrailingIcon: 'size-6'
            variant: {
              outline: 'text-(--ui-text-highlighted) bg-(--ui-bg) ring ring-inset ring-(--ui-border-accented)',
              soft: 'text-(--ui-text-highlighted) bg-(--ui-bg-elevated)/50 hover:bg-(--ui-bg-elevated) focus:bg-(--ui-bg-elevated) disabled:bg-(--ui-bg-elevated)/50',
              subtle: 'text-(--ui-text-highlighted) bg-(--ui-bg-elevated) ring ring-inset ring-(--ui-border-accented)',
              ghost: 'text-(--ui-text-highlighted) bg-transparent hover:bg-(--ui-bg-elevated) focus:bg-(--ui-bg-elevated) disabled:bg-transparent dark:disabled:bg-transparent',
              none: 'text-(--ui-text-highlighted) bg-transparent'
            color: {
              primary: '',
              secondary: '',
              success: '',
              info: '',
              warning: '',
              error: '',
              neutral: ''
            leading: {
              true: ''
            trailing: {
              true: ''
            loading: {
              true: ''
            highlight: {
              true: ''
            type: {
              file: 'file:me-1.5 file:font-medium file:text-(--ui-text-muted) file:outline-none'
          compoundVariants: [
              color: 'primary',
              variant: [
              class: 'focus-visible:ring-2 focus-visible:ring-inset focus-visible:ring-(--ui-primary)'
              color: 'primary',
              highlight: true,
              class: 'ring ring-inset ring-(--ui-primary)'
              color: 'neutral',
              variant: [
              class: 'focus-visible:ring-2 focus-visible:ring-inset focus-visible:ring-(--ui-border-inverted)'
              color: 'neutral',
              highlight: true,
              class: 'ring ring-inset ring-(--ui-border-inverted)'
              leading: true,
              size: 'xs',
              class: 'ps-7'
              leading: true,
              size: 'sm',
              class: 'ps-8'
              leading: true,
              size: 'md',
              class: 'ps-9'
              leading: true,
              size: 'lg',
              class: 'ps-10'
              leading: true,
              size: 'xl',
              class: 'ps-11'
              trailing: true,
              size: 'xs',
              class: 'pe-7'
              trailing: true,
              size: 'sm',
              class: 'pe-8'
              trailing: true,
              size: 'md',
              class: 'pe-9'
              trailing: true,
              size: 'lg',
              class: 'pe-10'
              trailing: true,
              size: 'xl',
              class: 'pe-11'
              loading: true,
              leading: true,
              class: {
                leadingIcon: 'animate-spin'
              loading: true,
              leading: false,
              trailing: true,
              class: {
                trailingIcon: 'animate-spin'
          defaultVariants: {
            size: 'md',
            color: 'primary',
            variant: 'outline'
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
import uiPro from '@nuxt/ui-pro/vite'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      ui: {
        select: {
          slots: {
            base: [
              'relative group rounded-[calc(var(--ui-radius)*1.5)] inline-flex items-center focus:outline-none disabled:cursor-not-allowed disabled:opacity-75',
            leading: 'absolute inset-y-0 start-0 flex items-center',
            leadingIcon: 'shrink-0 text-(--ui-text-dimmed)',
            leadingAvatar: 'shrink-0',
            leadingAvatarSize: '',
            trailing: 'absolute inset-y-0 end-0 flex items-center',
            trailingIcon: 'shrink-0 text-(--ui-text-dimmed)',
            value: 'truncate pointer-events-none',
            placeholder: 'truncate text-(--ui-text-dimmed)',
            arrow: 'fill-(--ui-border)',
            content: 'max-h-60 w-(--reka-popper-anchor-width) bg-(--ui-bg) shadow-lg rounded-[calc(var(--ui-radius)*1.5)] ring ring-(--ui-border) overflow-hidden data-[state=open]:animate-[scale-in_100ms_ease-out] data-[state=closed]:animate-[scale-out_100ms_ease-in] pointer-events-auto',
            viewport: 'divide-y divide-(--ui-border) scroll-py-1',
            group: 'p-1 isolate',
            empty: 'py-2 text-center text-sm text-(--ui-text-muted)',
            label: 'font-semibold text-(--ui-text-highlighted)',
            separator: '-mx-1 my-1 h-px bg-(--ui-border)',
            item: [
              'group relative w-full flex items-center select-none outline-none before:absolute before:z-[-1] before:inset-px before:rounded-[calc(var(--ui-radius)*1.5)] data-disabled:cursor-not-allowed data-disabled:opacity-75 text-(--ui-text) data-highlighted:text-(--ui-text-highlighted) data-highlighted:before:bg-(--ui-bg-elevated)/50',
              'transition-colors before:transition-colors'
            itemLeadingIcon: [
              'shrink-0 text-(--ui-text-dimmed) group-data-highlighted:text-(--ui-text)',
            itemLeadingAvatar: 'shrink-0',
            itemLeadingAvatarSize: '',
            itemLeadingChip: 'shrink-0',
            itemLeadingChipSize: '',
            itemTrailing: 'ms-auto inline-flex gap-1.5 items-center',
            itemTrailingIcon: 'shrink-0',
            itemLabel: 'truncate'
          variants: {
            buttonGroup: {
              horizontal: 'not-only:first:rounded-e-none not-only:last:rounded-s-none not-last:not-first:rounded-none',
              vertical: 'not-only:first:rounded-b-none not-only:last:rounded-t-none not-last:not-first:rounded-none'
            size: {
              xs: {
                base: 'px-2 py-1 text-xs gap-1',
                leading: 'ps-2',
                trailing: 'pe-2',
                leadingIcon: 'size-4',
                leadingAvatarSize: '3xs',
                trailingIcon: 'size-4',
                label: 'p-1 text-[10px]/3 gap-1',
                item: 'p-1 text-xs gap-1',
                itemLeadingIcon: 'size-4',
                itemLeadingAvatarSize: '3xs',
                itemLeadingChip: 'size-4',
                itemLeadingChipSize: 'sm',
                itemTrailingIcon: 'size-4'
              sm: {
                base: 'px-2.5 py-1.5 text-xs gap-1.5',
                leading: 'ps-2.5',
                trailing: 'pe-2.5',
                leadingIcon: 'size-4',
                leadingAvatarSize: '3xs',
                trailingIcon: 'size-4',
                label: 'p-1.5 text-[10px]/3 gap-1.5',
                item: 'p-1.5 text-xs gap-1.5',
                itemLeadingIcon: 'size-4',
                itemLeadingAvatarSize: '3xs',
                itemLeadingChip: 'size-4',
                itemLeadingChipSize: 'sm',
                itemTrailingIcon: 'size-4'
              md: {
                base: 'px-2.5 py-1.5 text-sm gap-1.5',
                leading: 'ps-2.5',
                trailing: 'pe-2.5',
                leadingIcon: 'size-5',
                leadingAvatarSize: '2xs',
                trailingIcon: 'size-5',
                label: 'p-1.5 text-xs gap-1.5',
                item: 'p-1.5 text-sm gap-1.5',
                itemLeadingIcon: 'size-5',
                itemLeadingAvatarSize: '2xs',
                itemLeadingChip: 'size-5',
                itemLeadingChipSize: 'md',
                itemTrailingIcon: 'size-5'
              lg: {
                base: 'px-3 py-2 text-sm gap-2',
                leading: 'ps-3',
                trailing: 'pe-3',
                leadingIcon: 'size-5',
                leadingAvatarSize: '2xs',
                trailingIcon: 'size-5',
                label: 'p-2 text-xs gap-2',
                item: 'p-2 text-sm gap-2',
                itemLeadingIcon: 'size-5',
                itemLeadingAvatarSize: '2xs',
                itemLeadingChip: 'size-5',
                itemLeadingChipSize: 'md',
                itemTrailingIcon: 'size-5'
              xl: {
                base: 'px-3 py-2 text-base gap-2',
                leading: 'ps-3',
                trailing: 'pe-3',
                leadingIcon: 'size-6',
                leadingAvatarSize: 'xs',
                trailingIcon: 'size-6',
                label: 'p-2 text-sm gap-2',
                item: 'p-2 text-base gap-2',
                itemLeadingIcon: 'size-6',
                itemLeadingAvatarSize: 'xs',
                itemLeadingChip: 'size-6',
                itemLeadingChipSize: 'lg',
                itemTrailingIcon: 'size-6'
            variant: {
              outline: 'text-(--ui-text-highlighted) bg-(--ui-bg) ring ring-inset ring-(--ui-border-accented)',
              soft: 'text-(--ui-text-highlighted) bg-(--ui-bg-elevated)/50 hover:bg-(--ui-bg-elevated) focus:bg-(--ui-bg-elevated) disabled:bg-(--ui-bg-elevated)/50',
              subtle: 'text-(--ui-text-highlighted) bg-(--ui-bg-elevated) ring ring-inset ring-(--ui-border-accented)',
              ghost: 'text-(--ui-text-highlighted) bg-transparent hover:bg-(--ui-bg-elevated) focus:bg-(--ui-bg-elevated) disabled:bg-transparent dark:disabled:bg-transparent',
              none: 'text-(--ui-text-highlighted) bg-transparent'
            color: {
              primary: '',
              secondary: '',
              success: '',
              info: '',
              warning: '',
              error: '',
              neutral: ''
            leading: {
              true: ''
            trailing: {
              true: ''
            loading: {
              true: ''
            highlight: {
              true: ''
            type: {
              file: 'file:me-1.5 file:font-medium file:text-(--ui-text-muted) file:outline-none'
          compoundVariants: [
              color: 'primary',
              variant: [
              class: 'focus-visible:ring-2 focus-visible:ring-inset focus-visible:ring-(--ui-primary)'
              color: 'primary',
              highlight: true,
              class: 'ring ring-inset ring-(--ui-primary)'
              color: 'neutral',
              variant: [
              class: 'focus-visible:ring-2 focus-visible:ring-inset focus-visible:ring-(--ui-border-inverted)'
              color: 'neutral',
              highlight: true,
              class: 'ring ring-inset ring-(--ui-border-inverted)'
              leading: true,
              size: 'xs',
              class: 'ps-7'
              leading: true,
              size: 'sm',
              class: 'ps-8'
              leading: true,
              size: 'md',
              class: 'ps-9'
              leading: true,
              size: 'lg',
              class: 'ps-10'
              leading: true,
              size: 'xl',
              class: 'ps-11'
              trailing: true,
              size: 'xs',
              class: 'pe-7'
              trailing: true,
              size: 'sm',
              class: 'pe-8'
              trailing: true,
              size: 'md',
              class: 'pe-9'
              trailing: true,
              size: 'lg',
              class: 'pe-10'
              trailing: true,
              size: 'xl',
              class: 'pe-11'
              loading: true,
              leading: true,
              class: {
                leadingIcon: 'animate-spin'
              loading: true,
              leading: false,
              trailing: true,
              class: {
                trailingIcon: 'animate-spin'
          defaultVariants: {
            size: 'md',
            color: 'primary',
            variant: 'outline'
Some colors in compoundVariants are omitted for readability. Check out the source code on GitHub.